If you are considering a conversion from mph to km/h or vice versa, as well as changing the color of your speedometer, here are the instructions on how to choose the right one.
This type is compatible with 991.1, 991.2, 718 Boxster, 718 Cayman, 981 Boxster, 981 Cayman, 92B.1 and 92B.2 Macan.
1. Determine the speed range. Common conversions are as follows:
- 175 mph = 280 km/h
- 190 mph = 300 km/h
- 200 mph = 330 km/h
- 225 mph = 350 km/h
- 250 mph = 400 km/h
2. Examine your current speedometer and take note of the icons it features. Icons that vary are:
- Traction Control
- Glow Plug / Diesel Pre-Hit Warning
- High Beam Assistant Light Indicator
- Trailer Turn Signal Indicator Light
See the image below. Your speedometer may have all, some or none of these icons.

Note: If the ‘Trailer Turn Signal Indicator Light’ icon is placed on the right side (instead of the ‘High Beam Assistant Light Indicator’ as shown in the picture), it means you’re on the wrong page:) You need a speedometer for Porsche 958/970.